Il Cluster Lombardo della Mobilità tramite il suo Working Group Materiali sostiene le iniziative relative all’alleggerimento e ai materiali compositi patrocinando l’evento “JEC Forum Italy 2025”.

Lombardy Region : Approval of the regional trademark "Filiera riconosciuta da:" On Oct. 2, d.d.u.o. No. 14590 was approved by the Directorate General of Economic Development of RL under the signature of Carlo Bianchessi.

Our Cluster is pleased to sponsor "Domani Lavoro," the first fair in Italy where companies and candidates meet. The event, organized by SEVEN EVENTS in cooperation with PROBRIXIA and AREA FIERA, with the support of the main trade associations, will be held at the Fiera di Brescia from Nov. 09 to 11, 2024.

The Lombard Mobility Cluster is pleased to sponsor courses organized by our associate AQM Business Service Center under MATERIALS, SUSTAINABILITY AND PRODUCT CONTROL, soon to be held.

The Lombard Mobility Cluster is organizing an online meeting of the DIGITAL SYSTEMS WG on Wednesday, October 23, 2024, from 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. as part of the Business Development Thematic Group.

The Sole 24 Ore of Wednesday, March 6, devoted a wide-ranging investigation to Lombardy's 9 Technology Clusters, which together involve about 750 entities including 550 companies along with Research Centers, Universities, public and private Institutions and other organizations focused on competitiveness and innovation, variously distributed throughout the provincial territories and focused on a specific technological and application area.Continue reading...

The Lombardy Mobility Cluster is organizing an online meeting of the WG DIGITAL SYSTEMS WG on Tuesday, March 12, 2024, from 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. as part of the Thematic Group "Sensing," dedicated to the prospects for development of the topic. Participation is open to all members, starting with those who are members of the DIGITAL SYSTEMS WG. Agenda attached along with the "Form for Collection of Project Initiatives".To register, it is necessary to fill in the form available in the in-depth study by 12:00 noon on 12/3/24. Continue reading...

The second Talk Different meeting was held at the Automobile Museum in Turin to consider the evolution of new, possibly neutral, fuels. It saw the participation of Quattroruote, ENI, Politecnico di Torino, Petronas, Stellantis, and Fondazione Caracciolo. Continue reading...

WG COMPETENCES 29-2-24 h:4 p.m.

The Lombard Mobility Cluster is organizing an online meeting of the COMPETENCES WG on Thursday, February 29, 2024, from 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. as part of the Business Development Thematic Group. Continue reading...

Renato Gaudio will be missed

On Thursday morning Renato Gaudio, our dear friend and incomparable lifelong collaborator with whom we shared passion and enthusiasm for a difficult and beautiful work, left us. Continue reading...

The event "Europe and Sustainable Industry" last stop of the SevenEighths Roadshow was held on Jan. 25.

Determining orders for the new Stellantis platform for: The production of two types of injector; A pump; A manifold. The appointment at MIMIT to evaluate the bids received for the re-industrialization of the Crevalcore site will take place on Feb. 15. Download the article from Il Sole 24 Ore of Feb. 1, 2024 by Filomana Greco and Vincenzo Rutigliano

our founding member Confindustria brescia presented ( in the in-depth) the results of the SICS project – Industrial Development, Circularity and Sustainability, …

A goal to be pursued in a complex context, due to the ongoing energy transition, and very challenging considering that market forecasts …

In an interview by Matteo Maneghello published in Il Sole 24 Ore on Thursday, Dec. 7 us, OMR’s president, our associate, Marco …

In this interview, Lombardy Regional Councilor for Economic Development Guido Guidesi explains the strategy of European interregional alliances to defend the competitiveness …

Responding to the doubts raised by Brescia FAI President Sergio Piardi in the purchase of a truck ( electric, diesel, methane-biomethane) MEP …

COEVE was born within our Cluster and the AFIL Cluster with the intention of creating an industrial hub on VEHICLE ELECTRICATION in Lombardy that would be a continental and global reference.

The SHINE Project was born within our Cluster, with the intention of creating a "demonstrator" that produces "green hydrogen"

Secretary General of the Lombard Mobility Cluster Gianpiero Mastinu participated in two important events in the past few days. Friday, November 17, …

MLC Secretary General Gianpiero Mastinu participated in Esslingen on Nov. 16 at the supplier day organized by e-mobil, the Stuttgart automotive cluster. …

The first meeting organized by the Lombardy Region with Unioncamere Lombardia on funding opportunities related to the ERDF PR funds 2021-27 was …

European automotive regions, including nine from Italy, are calling for the creation of a European mechanism to mitigate “the disruptive effects of …

A new bus station for long-distance buses, operated by Autostazioni di Milano S.r.l. (in which our members STAV and AirPullman participate), which …

“There are 2 billion euros for businesses and entities in the Lombardy region,” with this message kicks off the PR ERDF 2021-2027 …

We report that the MIT has published the ranking list, which you can find attached, referring to the call for the construction …

With reference to the Notice of Supply Chains reported in the in-depth study, the Cluster is engaged in the evaluation of the …

On Oct. 23 at the Auditorium of the Automobile Museum in Turin, the 2023 edition of the Observatory on Italian Automotive Components …

In the article signed by Flavio Archetti published in the Giornale di Brescia, dedicated to the UCID conference:” A new humanism of …

The General Assembly held last Tuesday, September 26, at the University of Brescia was also an opportunity to present the prototype of …

Confindustria Nautica President Saverio Cecchi presented the excellent results of the industry in 2022 with more than 200,000 employees for more than …

We thank the Magnificent Chancellor of the University of Brescia Prof. Francesco Castelli and the Councillor for University, Research and Innovation of …

Secretary General of the Lombard Mobility Cluster Ganpiero Mastinu spoke at the conference “CURRENTITY AND THE FUTURE OF SUSTAINABLE LACUAL MOBILITY” held …

Our Cluster will be present at FUTURA on October 8-9-10 to communicate its positions and proposals on two issues in particular:(a) the …

We receive from H2IT, to which our Cluster is a member, a summary mirror with the measures involving the hydrogen sector included …

The next steps are: – in the short term, involvement by Councillor Guido Guidesi of national government levels and the European Union …

The European Union is taking a concrete step toward including biofuels among “CO2 neutral fuels.” The Industry Committee (ITRE) of the European …

On Thursday, July 20 in Milan’s Palazzo Lombardia at the initiative of Economic Development Councilor Guido Guidesi, the technical table discussed and …

On July 11 at the Intesa San Paolo Headquarters in Turin, an event was held to present the Observatory, which was attended …

A meeting titled “Fit for 55% and the European Green Deal,” organized by the Honorable Lara Comi, was held on Wednesday, June …