H2IT and Intesa Sanpaolo Hydrogen Observatory.

On July 11 at the Intesa San Paolo Headquarters in Turin, an event was held to present the Observatory, which was attended for the Cluster by Eng. Trevisan with a presentation on ongoing industry projects by the Cluster. The analysis covered companies (large, medium, small and start-ups) that are members of H2IT and represent the entire hydrogen supply chain. For more information about the conference contact piersandro.trevisan@clusterlombardomobilita.it

The survey, the results of which can be found in the attached Observatory, was conducted by H2IT together with the Intesa Sanpaolo Study and Research Center. The analysis covered companies (large, medium, small and start-ups) that are members of H2IT and represent the entire hydrogen supply chain.

Supply chain that is growing strongly, thanks in part to the 3.64 billion euros funded by the NRP, with a 65 percent increase in investment by companies in the sector, which also indicated (by as much as 71 percent) that research and development was a priority. Participation in tenders is high, with more than half of the companies (56 percent) having participated in tenders, obtaining funding in 65 percent of cases.

In terms of turnover, 2022 ended on a positive note for 71 percent of companies, and 58 percent increased turnover in their dedicated hydrogen business, with expectations for further growth in the near future.

Among the areas of hydrogen development, the most important is mobility (85 percent of responses), followed by hard-to-abate (67 percent) and renewable electricity storage (55 percent). It is noteworthy that companies in Lombardy make 60 percent of their turnover from Italian hydrogen.

Attached are introductions.

Annex 1
Annex 2

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