The Lombardy Mobility Cluster Association, is one of the nine Technology Clusters recognized by the Lombardy Region, of which it is an institutional interlocutor for Research and Innovation; it presides over the automotive, nautical, rail, and intermodal (transport and infrastructure) sectors.
Promote and facilitate the development of the competitiveness of the Lombardy mobility industry.
What do we do
We provide dedicated services, develop research, innovation and internationalization projects and promote access to new public funding opportunities.
Why join?
For sharing common experiences and innovative projects, an essential step to create the critical mass required by the market challenge and the changes brought about by the advent of autonomous and connected vehicles.
the message of the President and the Secretary General
A large part of our future is being played on the challenges of sustainable mobility and the Lombard Mobility Cluster, one of the nine Technological Clusters recognized by the Lombardy Region, of which it is the institutional interlocutor for Research and Innovation, oversees the automotive sectors, permanently in the top five in Europe and second in Italy, in the nautical sector, first in Italy by number of active companies, in the railway sector, characterized by high-tech components, and in intermodality (transport and infrastructure).
Why join
Membership of the Cluster, understood as a chain of industries (large and SMEs), research centers and universities, for the sharing of common experiences and innovative projects, is an essential step to create the critical mass required by the market challenge and changes induced by the advent of autonomous and connected vehicles. In the Cluster there is room for everyone: for the large companies to which the task of guiding the supply chain is entrusted, thanks to their connection to the innovation of the medium right from the concept phase of the same and for the smaller companies, whose presence is essential to cover all the required technologies and to respond with competence and flexibility to the changing needs of customers. In this context, the operational support provided by the associates in the work of the thematic tables and in the development of innovative projects represents for young people with high potential, an opportunity for training and professional growth.
Join the Cluster
Once the completed and signed form is received, potential members are immediately brought into the Cluster’s operational mechanisms.