- 11/03/2024
Lombardy’s technology clusters for competitiveness and innovation

The Sole 24 Ore of Wednesday, March 6, devoted a wide-ranging article to Lombardy’s 9 Technology Clusters, which together involve about 750 entities including 550 companies along with Research Centers, Universities, public and private Institutions and other organizations focused on competitiveness and innovation, variously distributed throughout the provincial territories and focused on a specific technological and application area. Clusters aim to help support research, innovation and competitiveness of the relevant economic system, locally, nationally and internationally, through the provision of diversified services to members, facilitating collaboration among Lombardy’s industrial, scientific and technology transfer actors through the various thematic/transversal working groups created within them.
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JEC FORUM ITALY, Cernobbio June 11-12, 2025
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Opening AQM courses sponsored by the cluster.
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Working Group CLM Digital Systems - Wednesday, October 23 h. 4:00 p.m.
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