European diktat on electrification and the smart land challenge

Moderated by Massimiliano Del Barba – Editor-in-Chief of Corriere della Sera with the support of Francesca Gambarini, the Green Talk 2023 was held yesterday morning dedicated to the future of sustainable mobility in all its forms. Aldo Bonomi, president, and Alberto Piantoni, managing director, spoke at the opening and conclusion of the event: “As 1000 Miglia, we believe that from open confrontation without prejudice an inspiration to “be network” can arise in which to compare experiences but, above all, to find a common territory of action. Politics, education, vision, technology, research and, above all, boldness of thought can be determining factors of doing sustainable business: guaranteeing a better future for all of us. For our Cluster, President Saverio Gaboardi spoke. Attached is the agenda for the morning.

The Green Talk will be streamed from this link on June 8 at 10:00 a.m..
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