GIVI UniBs MotoStudent Team’s new motorcycle prototype unveiled

The General Assembly held last Tuesday, September 26, at the University of Brescia was also an opportunity to present the prototype of the new motorcycle of the GIVI UniBs MotoStudent Team of university students, captained by recent graduate in International Business Management Silvia Dusio under the direction of Prof. Ing marco Gadola (Cluster referent for Unibs).

The project was born in 2015 from the union of students from various departments of the University of Brescia, with the aim of participating in MotoStudent, a challenge between university teams that must design and develop a racing motorcycle, evaluated and tested in a final event every other year at the MotorLand Aragon facility in Alcaniz (Teruel), Spain.
The team is involved in technical design, implementation, communication and marketing, and finally guiding, with excellent results (second out of 70 competitors in the last race): our best of luck with the new prototype!

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