2 billion to promote competitiveness and growth in Lombardy

“There are 2 billion euros for businesses and entities in the Lombardy region,” with this message kicks off the PR ERDF 2021-2027 tour: a series of meetings in all Lombardy provinces to present policies and public calls related to the new European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) programming. The first stop will be Nov. 15 at Lariofiere in Erba (Como) and will feature the participation of the regional councillor for innovation, Alessandro Fermi. In December there will be a stop in Lodi, and in 2024 the tour will continue to the other provinces (each stop will be streamed).

ERDF PR funds implement the strategic objectives defined through the Regional Sustainable Development Program, the Smart Specialization Strategy and the Three-Year Strategic Program, to which our Cluster for the mobility and transport area has also contributed, The following link provides the event program and how to register: click here.

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