Auto Industry at the Trento Festival of Economics

Numerous speeches by economists, “decision makers,” industrialists. We report on some of them in the in-depth study that underscore the complexity of the current situation caused by EU choices that isolate our continent from China and North America, where endothermic engines are not banned. Undeniably, Chinese manufacturers are ready to invade Europe with their cars at lower prices due to their accumulated advantage in their home market. A summary of some of the speeches is included in the in-depth study.

A summary of some of the speeches is attached:
  • Adolfo Urso – Minister of Business and Made in Italy: biofuels, Euro 7 and renewal of the vehicle fleet;
  • Luca De Meo- Renault CEO and ACEA President : protect European investment and avert automotive industry crisis;
  • Gian Primo Quagliano – President Centro Studi Promotor: EU alone to ban combustion engines;
  • Franco Bernabè – President Acciaierie d’Italia: For Beijing, undeniable benefits;
  • Benedetto Vigna – Ferrari CEO : decades needed to complete transition.
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