25 Jan 2024 – Europe and sustainable industry. 7/8 Metallurgy Confindustria Brescia

The event “Europe and Sustainable Industry” last stop of the SevenEighths Roadshow was held on Jan. 25. The focus of the work was an analysis on new European regulations imposed by both the FIT for 55 and the border carbon adjustment mechanism. Introduced by Giovanni Marinoni Martin, president of the metallurgy, steel and mining sector of Confindustria Brescia: “We are ready to invest in the energy transition, provided that Europe protects us in this transition,” and moderated by journalist Roberto Ragazzi, speakers included Antonio Gozzi, president of Federacciai, Roberto Vavassori, president of Anfia, Paolo Streparava, vice president, Filippo Schittone general manager in addition to the president of Confindustria Brescia, Franco Gussalli Beretta. In the in-depth article, press review and link to the report aired on the broadcaster Teletutto.

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