Fit for 55: e-fuel and biofuels – clarifications, goals and proposals

We have always supported  that, in application of the principle of technology neutrality, the future will hold a plurality of tractions with the use of a wide range of renewable fuels, in pursuit of the climate improvement goals decided by the EU and to meet the needs of our customers who, while complying with emission limits, pursue the best effectiveness/efficiency in the exercise of their mission. Germany is further along in the development of e-fuels, while Italy has a recognized leadership in the production and use of biofuels; both potentials need to be tapped.

 The Lombard Manifesto of March 29, 2022,   desired and supported at all decision-making levels   by the region’s Department of Economic Development, is based on this belief and indicates  a wide range of   renewable fuels:
  • electricity
  • methane and biomethane
  • e fuels and biomass fuels
  • Biofuels also used in purity
  • LPG and its bio and renewable developments
  • hydrogen
Evaluating its performance and environmental parameters over the span of the entire life cycle from production to operation, including disposal.
The Renewable Fuels Working Group will meet for the first time on Thursday, March 30.On that occasion, the draft of the a Notebook dedicated to the potential of different fuels and explore opportunities for innovation based on the skills possessed and programs of our members and the public funding  in place and expected.
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