Lombard Mobility Cluster

The first meeting organized by the Lombardy Region with Unioncamere Lombardia on funding opportunities related to the ERDF PR funds 2021-27 was held in Erba (CO) on November 15: 2 billion total to promote competitiveness and growth. Regional councillor for innovation, Alessandro Fermi, reiterated the importance and magnitude of these funds (doubled compared to those of the previous 2014-2020 round), which offer a range of opportunities for financing businesses and local authorities: in this context, it is crucial to raise awareness of the territories and their production system. Continue reading…

See also the article devoted to this topic by Open Innovation of Regione Lombardia . This event was attended for the Cluster by Eng. Trevisan: as soon as available, presentations will be made available on our website (for information contact piersandro.trevisan@clusterlombardomobilita.it ).

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