CLM Ordinary General Meeting of Members April 18, 2024

International event at the Region of Lombardy headquarters, created to discuss models, policies and tools to support local ecosystems that can implement central strategies to grow regional economies. For the first time in Italy and the Lombardy leg will be the opening and only Italian one, of the 2024 cycle and will focus on the impact in society of the Industrial Twin Transition.

Event free and open to the public. For the Cluster, our Development Advisor Ing. Piersandro Trevisan will participate.

Urban Mobility Conference – Milan April 10

International event at the Region of Lombardy headquarters, created to discuss models, policies and tools to support local ecosystems that can implement central strategies to grow regional economies. For the first time in Italy and the Lombardy leg will be the opening and only Italian one, of the 2024 cycle and will focus on the impact in society of the Industrial Twin Transition.

Event free and open to the public. For the Cluster, our Development Advisor Ing. Piersandro Trevisan will participate.

Clusters Meet Regions

International event at the Region of Lombardy headquarters, created to discuss models, policies and tools to support local ecosystems that can implement central strategies to grow regional economies. For the first time in Italy and the Lombardy leg will be the opening and only Italian one, of the 2024 cycle and will focus on the impact in society of the Industrial Twin Transition.

Event free and open to the public. For the Cluster, our Development Advisor Ing. Piersandro Trevisan will participate.

Repositioning Manifesto for Sustainable Mobility and Renewable Fuels Notebook.

Shared outcome of the working table that brought together at Palazzo Lombardia the Regional Department of Economic Development and representatives of Cluster Lombardo Mobilità, Cluster Aerospace Lombardia, ANFIA – National Association of Automotive Industry Chain, Confindustria Energia, ENI, UNEM – Unione Energie per la Mobilità, Assopetroli, Federchimica-Assogasliquidi, Federmetano, Assogasmetano.

Lombard Mobility Cluster

Fostering linkages with other clusters and aggregations at regional, national and international levels for the strengthening of the supply chain.

Lombard Mobility Cluster

Enhance existing technological excellence in the region and specialized training of new professionals.

Lombard Mobility Cluster

To foster the global strengthening of the ‘identity of the Lombardy supply chain through the aggregation and internationalization of participants.

Lombard Mobility Cluster

Promote the development of competitiveness of the regional land and water mobility industry through pre-competitive research and identification of the most promising business scenarios globally.