14 Brescian trade associations support our Cluster

Much appreciated is the explicit support for our Cluster that 14 Brescia trade associations report in their manifesto “To win the challenges of the future” sent to candidates in the upcoming regional elections. Revision of the “Fit for 55” dossier, adoption of the principle of technology neutrality,enhancement of the excellence of automotive components, its centrality in the manufacturing sector, upskilling and reskilling of employees are the issues, specific to our supply chain, highlighted in the document that sets the 10 priorities for the competitiveness of the entire provincial economic system. For us, an encouragement to continue to advocate our positions, especially in the context of the November 17, 2022 Leipzig Arrangement among Europe’s 27 automotive-intensive regions (seven countries) to pursue a just and rational transition.

The full text of the Manifesto is available on the Confindustria Brescia website by clicking here: ManifestoConfindustriaBS
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