Reducing the mass of surface mobility vehicles appears necessary for sustainability. Both products and production processes (as far as product design is concerned) are of interest.
The use of conventional (particularly metallic) materials is promoted by exploiting new manufacturing technologies based on considerations-metallurgical, topological/morphological, functional, reliability, economic and other where relevant. Innovative architectures of vehicle systems and sub-systems are being studied, with reference to overall mass reduction. The study of hybrid structures is addressed, with special reference to polymer/metal joining and concept design of lightened structures. Advanced materials and bio materials for vehicle lightweighting.
The mission of the Lombardy Mobility Cluster (CLM) is to promote and facilitate the development of the competitiveness of the Lombardy mobility industry, through pre-competitive research and innovation with a view to “smart specialization” and the identification of the most promising areas of business globally (scenarios, trends, opportunities to meet players).
+39 030 2292 426
Registered office: P.zza Leonardo da Vinci, 32 | 20133 Milan | Italy
Headquarters: Via Cefalonia, 60 | 25124 Brescia | Italy