Effective January 1, 2020, the Electric Vehicles Working Group is established within the Environmental Sustainability Table, the operation of which is defined in Art. 12 of the Statute. Coordinator of the working group will initially be Dr. Saverio Gaboardi , who will operate on guidelines set by the Board of Directors.

Objectives of the working group are:
– Identify, for the subjects of competence, the issues relevant to the electrification of vehicles in relation to the existing expertise in the area and the Research and Innovation directions indicated in the work program of Regione Lombardia, with the contribution of our Cluster;
– Mapping products and skills at risk with the advent of new forms of traction;
– Connect this activity with the ongoing work on the drafting of the “Electric Vehicles” notebook based on the position paper transmitted to the Lombardy Region at the second meeting of the “Smart Mobility with Artificial Intelligence” table;
– Foster a broad membership among current and new members;
– propose to the Board of Directors innovative projects sponsored by the CLM taking advantage of the vast funds available for this highly topical subject.

An initial assessment of the activities of the new working group will be made on the afternoon of January 28 2020 at the Cluster’s Ordinary Meeting. Companies and entities interested in participating in the new working group can signal their membership by Jan. 20, 2020 at segreteria@clusterlombardomobilita.it. As usual, the working group will benefit from the operational support of Valentina Testa.