Renewable fuels: repositioning and notebook
- 20/07/2023

On Thursday, July 20 in Milan’s Palazzo Lombardia at the initiative of Economic Development Councilor Guido Guidesi, the technical table discussed and approved the document “Repositioning the Manifesto for Sustainable Mobility” and the “Renewable Fuels Notebook” coordinated by our cluster. Present in addition to some of our associates were the members of the Steering Committee and Support Committee to whom our thanks go for their contribution to the preparation.Councillor Guidesi informed those present that, as was the case for the March 29, 2022 manifesto, he will forward the proposals and related analysis to the Italian government and relevant bodies at the European level: confirmed the goal of including biofuels alongside electricity, hydrogen and e-fuels within the “Fit for 55” package being transformed into legislative acts. In his speech, President Attilio Fontana calls the European vision too ideological and calls for more rationality in assessing the potential of other renewable fuels. The event recording and documentation are available in the in-depth feature along with the press review of the event, made available by Regione Lombardia.
Check out Regione Lombardia’s dedicated page to watch the event Click here
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