The Lombardy Mobility Cluster participates in the working group engaged in the implementation of the “BOOSTAlps – Boosting EUSALP competitiveness through cross fertilization of value chain” initiative, formed by the Regional Representations of the Confindustria System involved in EUSALP and the Trade Associations of the priority sectors indicated in the European Strategy for the Alpine Macro-Region.

The initiative, which will take the form of a specialized workshop with expert testimonies and business success stories and a brokerage event with one-on-one meetings between companies, SMEs and Research Centers from the Eusalp Regions, aims to foster synergies between high-potential value chains in EUSALP by enhancing the technology drivers of the Bioeconomy and Digitalization, in which our Cluster is specifically present with regard to new products,s empreasingly autonomous and connected(component and vehicle development) safety, emissions, testing, manufacturing, maintenance in operation, after-sales service, etc.)

Boostalps is the first concrete step in implementing the Manifesto for Innovation and Competitiveness in EUSALP and in activating broader collaborations and initiatives in the future that can strengthen ties with Europe’s strongest manufacturing regions.

The Manifesto for Innovation and Competitiveness in Eusalp document can be accessed by downloading the attachment: please see in particular the automotive tab on pp.19-21