4 Motors of Europe

The MLC is a member of the 4 Engines of Europe network and participates in the periodic discussion and update meetings of the “Cluster Dialogue” working group, composed of regional contact persons and experts involved in cluster and cluster policy development in their respective regions (Auvergne-Rhone Alpes, Catalunya, Baden Wuerttemberg and Lombardy), with the participation of the associated region Flanders.

The Four Engines of Europe are four intensely industrialized regions of Europe: On September 9, 1988, the presidents of the four regions signed a cooperation agreement called a “Memorandum” in Stuttgart to increase economic and social cooperation among them. The agreement was to have between the four regions, long-term cooperation in the fields of science, research, education, environment, culture, and other areas.

The institutional leadership of the four entities hold an almost annual coordination meeting for joint initiatives.