The Lombard Mobility Cluster organizes Tuesday, December 19 from 4 to 5 p.m., as part of the Group
Topic of “Environmental Sustainability” – Working Group “Electric Mobility,” an online meeting titled: “The State of the Art of Electrification for Sustainable Mobility in Italy and Europe, Future Development Scenarios and Current Projects.”
The agenda is as follows:
16:00 Presentation of the Working Group and institutional greetings
Xavier GABOARDI (CLM President)
16:05 State of the art of electrification for sustainable mobility in Italy and Europe and future development scenarios
William BRASI (Marketing Manager Scame Parre)
16:20 Scame Perre’s plans for electrification
William BRASI (Marketing Manager Scame Parre)
16:40 Update on the “COEVE” project – the Hub of Electrification in Lombardy
Gianpiero MASTINU (CLM General Secretary)
16:50 Open discussion among participants
Francis BRAGA (WG coordinator CLM)
17:00 Greetings from the President and closing of the proceedings
Xavier GABOARDI (CLM President)
We enclose the “Form for Collection of Project Initiatives” which we invite you to fill out and share at the stage of
debate, including in preparation for the next Cluster notebook.
Participation is open to all members, starting with those who are members of the Electric Mobility WG.
To register, you must fill out the available form NO LATER THAN 12:00 PM ON 12/19/23.
The link for the connection (on Google Meet platform) will be shared with members after the close of the