With the convening of the
States General, goes into full swing
LombardIA, the governance and development initiative in the field of
Artificial Intelligence initiated by Regione Lombardia to make the Lombardy region and its research and innovation ecosystem a national and European benchmark in the development and adoption of artificial intelligence technologies.
The goal is to create the conditions to fully seize the growth opportunities related to current technological trends and effectively deal with the profound transformations resulting from them.
The Lombard States-General aims to promote an interdisciplinary discussion with key players in the field and to initiate a structured path of discussion with interested stakeholders, which aims to create a solid and collaborative network that can drive innovation and economic growth through A.I.
Public institutions, trade associations, universities and research centers, large industry, SMEs, innovative start-ups, investment funds, technology clusters, specialized foundations, and individual experts and researchers are called upon to be part of the track.
In-person event, at Palazzo Lombardia – Sala Marco Biagi, Piazza Città di Lombardia, 1 (Core 4) – Milan. More info at: https://www.openinnovation.regione.lombardia.it/it/iniziative/lombard-ia
For the cluster, our Development Advisor Ing. Piersandro Trevisan will participate.