Project Funding activities are strategic for the Cluster and its members, and to this end it develops various types of activities, both directly and with the support of cluster members who specialize in project finance.

Some of the main activities include:
1. Monitoring of funding and calls at the European (Horizon Europe, Life, CEF, Cosme, etc.), national (calls from ministries, especially Mimit, PNRR, etc.) and regional (especially calls for research, development and innovation) levels;
2. The dissemination of these calls through the Cluster’s communication channels, particularly the weekly newsletter, web portal and direct contacts with members;
3. The assessment of interest and potential suitable partnerships with respect to the calls, considering the Cluster’s R&D&I strategic lines and the needs of its members and, more generally, of mobility and transportation companies;
4. Support for pre-feasibility analyses and other activities to support successful participation in calls based, in particular, on a supply chain and partnership approach.

It should be noted that as part of the funding from the DG University, Research and Innovation of the Lombardy Region, the Cluster collaborates in the definition/sharing of strategic R&D&I macro themes in the area of mobility (ecosystem “Smart Mobility and Architecture”). These themes then feed into the region’s strategic plans and related funding calls (particularly the Call Hub calls):
“Research and Innovation Intelligent Specialization Strategy – S3” (2021-2027) 1;
2. “Three-year Strategic Programs – STPs” (2024-2026) for Research, Innovation and Technology Transfer that outline the development lines for the future of research and innovation in Lombardy;
3. “Work Plans – LOPs/WPs” for Innovation (2024-2025) that define strategic themes for funding related to ERDF funds 2021-27 (but also NRP and Horizon Europe).

National Project Funding

Learn about all of the Cluster's activities