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Calendar of Events

M Mon

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S Sun

1 event,

Cycle of in-person meetings dedicated to SUSTAINABLE LEADERSHIP – Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Brescia

2 events,


Presentation of Automotive Components Observatory in Italy – ANFIA and Turin Chamber of Commerce

2 events,



1 event,

2 events,

2 events,

European E- fuels conference – Hamburg, Germany

4 events,




Joint General Assembly Confindustria Bergamo and Confindustria Brescia – Logistik Park Airport MI-BG Seriate

4 events,

“Towards the Sustainable Vehicle Era” – Workshop at the Polytechnic University of Turin.


International Prize “LOMBARDY IS RESEARCH” – Teatro alla Scala, Milan


“Changes in progress: towards biomethane autotraction” – FEDERMETANO conference c/o Ecomondo Fair, Rimini

2 events,

TOMORROW WORK – Brescia, Fair area

3 events,

2 events,


Training seminar “Equity measures proposed by Simest” –

2 events,


WG Materials, Lightening and Motorsport

2 events,


“Overcoming the ideological transition. The challenge of biomethane, hydrogen and biofuels for road mobility.”

2 events,


“Discovering Mexico: country of opportunities for the internationalization of Italian companies” – 18/11/24 h:16.00 c/o Confindustria Bergamo

1 event,

3 events,

SwitcH2On? Mobilità: Prove di futuro, Fiera di Treviglio (BG)


Presentation of the National Hydrogen Strategy – Rome, in attendance and streaming

3 events,


BIOCH4 Forum, November 27, New Fiera del Levante Bari

4 events,

Passage of the ARA (Automotive Regions Alliance) presidency to Lombardy – Monza


GALA DEI BILANCI – Brescia Newspaper, TEATRO GRANDE of Brescia

3 events,


The Role of Engineering in the Transition to the Future – Dip. DIMI, University of Brescia