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Milan Turin Genoa | Mobility Conference 2024 – April 9

April 9, 2024 @ 9:30 am - 12:30 pm

Appointment with the future of mobility multiplies and opens doors to international startups

Back with an important new feature is the Mobility Conference, a time for discussion on the development of modern, efficient and sustainable mobility that is responsive to the transportation needs of goods and people.

This year, the historical promoters Assolombarda (our associate) and the Chamber of Commerce of Milan Monza Brianza Lodi are joined by Unione Industriali di Torino, Confindustria Genova and their respective Chambers of Commerce, with the aim of making the Northwest of Italy, where 35 percent of innovative startups in mobility and the heart of the country’s manufacturing industry are already concentrated, the pivot to revive the growth of an innovative and sustainable mobility market, starting with the three metropolitan cities of Milan, Turin and Genoa.

In fact, the Mobility Conference will be the occasion to launch the call for startups of MCE 4×4, Italy’s leading initiative dedicated to open innovation for sustainable mobility.

Full program here

From Milan in Assolombarda – Giorgio Squinzi Auditorium and by video linkage Turin and Genoa.

Via Pantano, 9 – Milan

Development Advisor Ing. Piersandro Trevisan will participate for the cluster.


April 9, 2024
9:30 am - 12:30 pm