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H2 Brixia – Italy’s first Hydrogen Valley

April 11 @ 10:30 am - 2:30 pm

Brescia is the new Hydrogen Valley, from PNRR-funded industrial projects to Italy’s first rail transport.

Brescia is Italy’s new Hydrogen Valley: from PNRR-funded industrial projects to Italy’s first rail transport, hydrogen is taking a decisive role in the race to create a sustainable European economy. The Lombardy Region has launched important programs in the area of industry and mobility and, thanks also to the commitment of actors such as FNM, it has been possible to implement truly sustainable projects (starting with the production of H2 from renewable electrical sources).

Event organized by Think Smart Mobility @MIND, in collaboration withUniversità Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, sponsored by Brescia Chamber of Commerce and Uniontrasporti – Unioncamere, H2IT Italian Hydrogen Association and Lombardy Mobility Cluster, free and open to the public (LIMITED PLACES) upon registration on: TICKET_H2BRIXIA.


10:30 a.m. Convocation of participants and Welcome

Luigi Sangaletti Department Director Catholic University of the Sacred Heart

Gianni Verga Chairman Think Smart Mobility @MIND

Roberto Zini – Chamber Council Member and President of Pro Brixia

. Giuseppe Pasini – President Confindustria Lombardia

Andrea Gibelli – FNM Group President

11:00 a.m. Institutional Greetings

European and Italian parliamentarians and regional councillors were invited

11:30 a.m. BRIXIA and its industry, energy and environmental sustainability

Moderator: Gianni Verga – Chairman Think Smart Mobility @MIND

Antonello Fontanili – Director General Uniontrasporti – Unioncamere

Paolo Carerra and Luca Gnali – H2 Chain Lombardy Region

– Xavier Gaboardi – President Lombardo Mobility Cluster

12:30 p.m. Learn about Hydrogen, applications in industry and transportation

Moderator: Alessandro Finicelli – Secretary General Think Smart Mobility @MIND

Luca Gavioli – Lecturer Catholic University of the Sacred Heart

Cristina Maggi – H2IT – General Manager

Stefano Erba – Chief Strategy Officer Gruppo FNM Spa

Luca Vetrone – Head of Communication & External Affairs Toyota Motor Italia

Conclusions: Fulvio Caradonna – Managing Director Infrastructure FNM Group, Diego Invernici – Councillor, Component IV COMMISSION – Lombardy Region

1:30 pm Light Lunch (thanks to the contribution of FNM Group)